Data Science Bootcamp Open Day Spring 2018 Highlights

On Thursday, February 22nd the IE Data Science Bootcamp team hosted the Open Day at the IE Campus. This event was a massive success, providing prospective candidates a taste of the installations and resources that will be available to them during the 11-week IE Data Science Bootcamp.  Present alongside the prospective candidates were bootcamper alumni from our previous cohort and representatives from our partner companies,  Indra, Nielsen, and Amadeus.


Our Data Science Bootcamp Team

Hosting this event and leading a panel discussion were members of the Data Science Bootcamp team, Iván Martín Maseda,  Ricardo Mesquita and Carlos Palmero, as well as guest speaker Mariano Kostelec, the co-founder of housing rental startup UniPlaces, who spoke about his data-driven experiences in founding the leading student housing portal in Europe. Data Science is becoming increasingly paramount to the success of companies of all sizes. Just as how in the past 5 years all companies and brands became obligated to have a presence on social media platforms, within the next 5 years they will be expected to incorporate data science into their business strategy to stay competitive in this rapidly changing landscape.


Future bootcampers will learn the skills necessary to fill this anticipated vacuum by gaining access to the ultimate learning-by-doing experience, side-by-side with recruiters and potential employment opportunities.


Success stories and what recruiters are looking for

This trajectory into the jobs of the future is best embodied by the success story of Morane Gabriel Regis a French bootcamper who was recruited by Margarita Carmona, a representative of Nielsen who was present during the Demo Day in December 2017 when the past Bootcampers presented their capstone projects to the public, as well as the Open Day where she told ieXL’s Digital Content Manager Daniel Catalan that, “We expect that our data scientists not only have the practical hard skills, but also strong communication skills to relay their findings. IE Bootcampers fit the exact profile of what we look for in our hires.


To learn more about the IE Data Science Bootcamp, download your copy of our informational booklet here. And, if you’re ready to apply for our next intake, get started on your application. Learn about our two scholarship competitions, 2018 Spring Challenge and Women in Data here and here.