IE University, from the IE Foundation and IE Law School, has partnered with the Elecnor Foundation in the creation of the IE-Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Compliance Cultures.
This Observatory responds to the IE Foundation and IE University’s mission of generating cutting-edge knowledge, relying on the experience of the IE Foundation and the excellence of the IE faculty.
IE Foundation
The IE Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to enhance the social impact of IE University through the application of its own resources and its collaboration with strategic partners.
One of the objectives of the Foundation is to support research projects that add value to the academic community and to society in general. The Foundation supports research projects that facilitate innovative solutions to the challenges of society and the current business world.

IE Law School
IE Law School leads innovation in the legal world by training legal professionals through a business vision of the future focused on technology, which allows students to benefit from a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective of the study of law and is committed to a perspective oriented towards the normative foundations of sustainability.
Thanks to its xperience in the field of law and its relationship with leaders who promote sustainability in different sectors, IE Law school is able to foster a culture of compliance and sustainability. These values are integrated into its academic activity, in the content of its programs and in the research work carried out by members of itscommunity.
IE Law School is committed to keeping pace with the complex issues posed by the rising culture of compliance in a society that faces important global environmental and social challenges, to train future leaders in the sector and, with the support of the IE Foundation, to promote research in this field through the IE-Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Compliance Cultures.