Padres y familias

Antonios Kouroutakis

Antonios Kouroutakis, abogado especializado en derecho público, completó su licenciatura en Derecho en la Universidad Democritus de Tracia (Grecia), tiene un LL.M de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA) Law School (EEUU) y es Doctor de Filosofía (PhD) de la Universidad de Oxford (UK). Condujo distintas investigaciones posdoctorales en la Universidad City de Hong Kong (China), en la Universidad Libre de Berlín (Alemania) y en la Universidad Aristóteles de Tesalónica (Grecia).

Sus intereses investigativos giran alrededor del área del derecho constitucional y administrativo. En particular, Antonios está interesado en el concepto de la separación de poderes, el estado de derecho, la legislación de emergencia, el derecho de inmigración y la regulación de las nuevas tecnologías; ha publicado diversos artículos relacionados a estos temas en revistas internacionales y revisadas. Su investigación sobre el valor constitucional de las cláusulas de extinción y sobre la constitución de Somalia ha sido citada en numerosos reportes.

Recientemente un informe parlamentario del Reino Unido sobre el “Great Repeal bill” citó su trabajo sobre cláusulas y un Informe de las Naciones Unidas citó su trabajo sobre la constitución de Somalia.

Formación académica:
  • PhD en Derecho Público (DPhil), Universidad de Oxford (Reino Unido)
  • Master en Derecho (LLM), UCLA (EEUU)
  • Grado en Derecho, Universidad Democritus de Tracia (Grecia)


Experiencia Profesional: 
  • Profesor de Derecho, IE Law School, Madrid (España) 2017 – presente
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad Aristóteles de Tesalónica (Grecia), Enero 2016-Diciembre 2016
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad Libre de Berlín (Alemania), Junio 2015-Noviembre 2015
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad City de Hong Kong (China), Agosto 2014-Mayo 2015



The Constitutional Value of Sunset Clauses”, Routledge (2017)


- Bar-Siman-Tov, Ittai, The Lives and Times of Temporary Legislation and Sunset Clauses (2018) 66 American Journal of Comparative Law, 453–457

- Daniel Greenberg, The Constitutional Value of Sunset Clauses, Statute Law Review, hmy012

- Alan Greene, Review of Antonios Kouroutakis’s ‘The Constitutional Value of Sunset Clauses’, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, July 11, 2017



The Henry VIII powers in the EU Withdrawal Act: Justification and Political and Legal Safeguards (2021) The Theory and Practice of Legislation (forthcoming)

Autonomous Vehicles; Regulatory Challenges and the Response From UK and Germany (2020) 46 Mitchell Hamline Law Review (forthcoming)

EU Action Plan Against Disinformation: Public Authorities, Platforms and the People (2020) 53 The International Lawyer 277

The virtues of Sunset Clauses on Constitutional Authority (2020) 41 Statute Law Review 16

Doctrinal Challenges for the Legality of Smart Contracts: Lex Cryptographia or a new, ‘smart’ way to contract? (2019) 19 Journal of High Technology Law 300 (in collaboration with Sai Agnikhotram)

The Role of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court in the Constitution Making Process: the Case of Nepal (2019) 55 Stanford Journal of International Law 69 (in collaboration with Prof Guobin Zhu)

Anti Democratic Political Parties; Models of Reaction and the Strategic Democracy (2018) 29 Public Law Review 310

“The Hong Kong Model of Subnational Constitutionalism: an Alternative Paradigm” (2017) Hong Kong Law Journal 221 (in collaboration with Prof Guobin Zhu)

“The prevailing culture over immigration: Centralised Immigration and Policies between Attrition and Accommodation” (2017) 13 Seton Hall Circuit Review 5

Islamic Terrorism: The Legal Impact on the Freedom of Religion in the United States and Europe” (2016) 34 Boston University International Law Journal 113

“Snoozing Democracy: The De-juridification of Emergencies” (2016) 25 Minnesota Journal of International Law 29 (in collaboration with Dr Sofia Ranchordas)

The Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia: Process, Architecture and Perspectives” (2014) 4 Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 1195

“Judges and policy making authority in the United States and the European Union” (2014) 8 Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law 186

“Temporary laws in times of crisis and their impact on the separation of powers” (2014) 9 Administrative Law Journal 308 (in Greek)

“Why abolish the death penalty? Arguments from Madisonian Thought” (2012) 29 Amicus ALJ 43

“Tailoring of Constitutional Rights, Deference to the Administration on Immigration Policy” (2011) 1 Dublin Law Review Quarterly 7

“Separation of Powers and the War on Terror; An analysis of the Role of its Institution” (2010) 42  Bracton Law Journal 20


CasosThe Greek Appeal Council’s Decision on the Italian extradition request for five students, (2016) New Journal of European Criminal Law 251Supremacy of EU Law and the New Constitutional Principles of the British Law in response to the case R (HS2 Action Alliance Ltd) v Secretary of State for Transport (2016) To Syntagma 571 (In Greek)Closed material procedure; Bank Mellat v Her Majesty’s Treasury (No 1) (2014) 4 Civil Procedure Review 545 (in Greek)Comment on the European Court of Human Right’s Judgment in S.A.S. v. France, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, July 11, 2014, disponible en: I·CONnectChris Van Hollen, Jr v Federal Election Commission (2013) 2 UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 321


Reseñas de librosReview of Frank Fagan & Saul Levmore’s “The Timing of Lawmaking”, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, Oct. 19, 2017, at: I·CONnectConstitutional Dialogue in Common Law Asia, (2016) 24 Asia Pacific Law Review 233


Law BlogsCOVID-19, the Media and Political Self-entrenchment IACL-AIDC Blog (30 July 2020)How liberal is a democracy without a level playing field in the political process?, U.K. Const. L. Blog (21st May 2020) (disponible en UK CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ASSOCIATIONInaction as a State Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak IACL-AIDC Blog (24 March 2020)The Disenfranchisement of EU Citizens: A Constitutional Cacophony Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, Dec. 11, 2019The Henry VIII powers in the EU (Withdrawal) Bill: Political and Legal Safeguards UK Human Rights Blog, February 7, 2018After Brexit: The transposition of EU law into national law and the key role of sunset clauses Oxford Business Law Blog, July 7, 2017Legal uncertainty surrounding the approval of the Brexit Agreement Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, June 28, 2017The Emergency Constitution of Greece: Ideal on Paper, Ineffective in Reality Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, Mar. 30, 2016“Snoozing Democracy: The De-juridification of Emergencies MJIL Blog, Oct 20, 2015Data Protection in Greece: The Balance Between Freedom of Press and the Right to Privacy Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, Dec. 10, 2013Note on the Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia Int’l. J. Const. L. Blog, Sept. 17, 2013


Capítulos de LibrosSeparation of Powers and Executive Clemency in the Civil Law World: A Comparative Study in Daniel Pascoe and Andrew Novak Executive Clemency, Routledge 2020 (in collaboration with S. Arias)Disruptive Innovation and Sunset Clauses: The Case of Uber and Other on Demand Transportation Networks in Sofia Ranchordas and Yaniv Roznai, eds Time, Law and Change: An Interdisciplinary Study, Hart, 2020The Constitution of Somalia in Constitutions and Fundamental Laws of Arab States, Pedone 2020Courts in the Constitution making process: Paradoxes and Justifications in Martin Belov, Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law (Routledge 2019)The exceptional economic situation in Greece. Juridical deficits, missed opportunities and political improvisation in M Lemke, Exceptional Circumstances: Theory of History - Applications - Perspectives, (Springer 2017) in German (in collaboration with Dr Glarou)