The Finances of Spanish Digital Natives and Millennials

Las Finanzas de los Nativos Digitales y Millennials Españoles

The fifth report from the Family Savings Observatory delves into the financial reality of digital natives and millennials, addressing the economic challenges both generations face when entering the job market. The study examines the level of financial literacy among young adults in Spain and explores the barriers in financial knowledge, practices, and attitudes that influence […]

At  the Annual Sigma Reseach Symposium 2023/ 19 th International Conference of Pensions, Insurance and Savings in Tokyo.

Laura Núñez Letamendia, directora del Observatorio del Ahorro Familiar, junto a Patricia Sánchez y Ana Silva, integrantes del equipo de investigación, presentaron los estudios del Observatorio en la 19 Conferencia Internacional de Pensiones, Seguros y Ahorro en Tokyo.

Laura Nuñez Letamendia, Household Savings Observatory’s director, Patricia Sánchez and Ana C. Silva, presented one of the Household Savings Observatory’s research papers at the Sigma Research Symposium. Thanks to Hitotsubashi University for the warm welcome and excellent organisation, and to all the organisers (House of Finance Dauphine, NOVA IMS Information Management School, EU-Mediterranean and African […]

«Financial knowledge and habits of the elderly population in Spain»

Informe OAF Conocimientos y hábitos financieros población mayor Esp

The fourth report of the IE IE Household Savings Observatory analyzes the habits, behaviors and perception of financial well-being of older adults in Spain, in order to better understand and face the challenge of enjoying one of the highest longevity rates in the world, from a financial point of view. The Spanish population between 55 […]

Winner of the 2nd Household Savings Observatory Award


The 2nd Household Savings Observatory Award for the best journalistic work to promote savings and financial planning, worth 10,000 euros, went, in this second edition, to Miguel Moreno Mendieta, for his work “How to save and invest according to age”, published in the Inversión special issue of the Cinco Días financial newspaper. View

«The gender gap in financial competencies»

This third study of the  IE  Household  Savings Observatory   analyzes the difference in terms of financial education that exists between women and men. According to the study, less than half of the women surveyed (49%) answered the questions on financial competencies correctly compared to the 63% of men who  answered the questions on financial competencies correctly. View

“HSO receives a BBVA grant from the Edufin Reseach program”

We are very happy with the news that our project has been chosen to receive funding from the Edufin Research programme. of BBVABeyond the satisfaction of the funding, it is an honour for us to have been selected by such a prestigious programme as BBVAEdufin, which shares a common objective with the one we have […]

Household Savings Observatory Award

Premio FundacionMutualidad y Abogacía

The Household Savings Observatory Award for the best journalistic work for the promotion of savings and financial planning went to Isabel Gaspar Calero, of ‘El Economista’, for “Countries with  financial education emerge earlier from the crisis”. View