How to Lead the Digital Transformation in Organizations

A few days ago we attended a Master Class: How to Lead the Digital Transformation in Organizations, organized to kick of the IV edition of the Marketing and Sales Strategic Management Program. Led by Félix Muñoz and Manuel Álvarez de la Gala, co-directors of the program, and Mosiri Cabezas, director of Digital Transformation and Business Acceleration at Telefónica, the event revolved around three fundamental questions: What are the implications of this digital transformation? Who should be involved in this change?

The three speakers shared their deep knowledge of the subject since they are not only professors of our sales and marketing program, but also high-level professionals in the marketing field. Muñoz, Álvarez de la Gala and Cabezas all agreed that we are at a time of great change in society, as far as the technology sector goes. It is a “change of an era,” in the words of Manuel Álvarez de la Gala, “a time in which society is undergoing constant transformations, with technology as the driving force: Social Media, Big Data, the Internet of Things…all of these elements have made adaptation, retraining or reinvention necessary for marketing professionals. The way of doing things that existed in organizations, until recently, is no longer the same because models have changed, driven by constant advances in technology,” he added. Mosiri Cabezas added along the same line that “the Internet of Things, indeed, is already changing the economic model,” and furthermore, “we must be prepared for the exponential technological changes that are coming.”

Manuel Álvarez pointed out an immediate consequence regarding this change of model: “The need for very specialized profiles, adapted to new digital marketing,” but above all, “a need to never stop learning, since today’s changes will not work for tomorrow,” given these exponential advances that were also spoken about by Mosiri. For Félix Muñoz, “Changes in society make companies fall behind,” and so he stressed the need for the companies to be prepared for this digital transformation, starting with training their managers and promoting professional retraining, “CMOs must master all of the new concepts to be able to operate successfully with other departments or in relation to clients,” he concluded.

In short, it already is a fact that modern society requires some skills and knowledge adapted to the constant changes, and these changes must be led by the most qualified professionals.

If you are interested in being part of this “Digital Transformation,” we recommend you take a look at our Marketing and Sales Strategic Management Program. We would be happy to help you on your journey!