Ramiro Montealegre

Professor of Information Systems and Technology at IE Business School and at the University of Colorado Boulder

Ramiro Montealegre

He was the first Academic Director of the Information Management Research Center at IE. Associate professor at University of Colorado. He received his doctorate in business administration from Harvard. His master’s degree in computer science from Carleton University. He holds a Bachelor in Computer Systems Engineering degree from Francisco Marroquín University. He has been visiting professor at IE, Indian School of Business, University of Toronto, Case Western Reserve University, Universidad Torcuato DiTella, INCAE, Instituto Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and ESAN. He is a recipient of teaching excellence awards at the University of Colorado, the Tony Tisone Teaching Excellence Award, the Joseph Frascona Excellence Award.

His research focuses on the interplay between new digital technologies and organization transformation in highly uncertain environments. He has been involved in studying projects of organizational change in the United States, China, India, Canada, Spain, Mexico, and the Central and South American regions.

Author's Insights

Sumergidos en el cambio

Immersed in Change