A woman smiling in front of a row of international flags outside a building.

Francesca Toniolo

About me

I’m from Monza, Italy, the home of Formula 1. I am very proud of my roots, but now I like to consider myself a citizen of the world. As a motivated, resourceful and curious person, my most important career aspiration is to make a positive impact on society. My passions include global affairs, public policy and social justice promotion. In my free time, I love channeling my creativity into art projects, experimenting in the kitchen, exercising at the gym and cherishing moments with friends and family.

shapeFrancesca Toniolo
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Development
A group of people smiling and posing at a table in a restaurant.

"This particular degree is allowing me to dive into topics of extreme importance, such as sustainability in all its forms and the goals of Agenda 2030."

Francesca Toniolo

Pursuing her passion with the Master in International Development

Francesca Toniolo found her path and purpose when attending a Model United Nations event in New York. While there, she discovered her true passion for global affairs and the international world, inspiring her to change her trajectory and pursue a career in this field.

After completing a bachelor’s degree in international relations, which she complemented with exchange periods in the Netherlands and London, Francesca enrolled in the Master in International Development at IE University. She was primarily attracted to this program because of the collaboration with the United Nations System Staff College, which allows students to earn an additional certificate and become experts in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Commenting on her experience in the program so far, Francesca says she appreciates the focus on the essential topics and events shaping the world of sustainability today. “This particular degree is allowing me to dive into topics of extreme importance, such as sustainability in all its forms and the goals of Agenda 2030,” she comments. This real-world focus is helping her build applicable skills for her future career and opening up a world of opportunity.

Experiences such as participation in the MENA Climate Summit in Riyad and the immersion week in Geneva and Turin have helped Francesca build these real-world skills. She especially appreciated these unique additions to her academic program because they gave her the chance to visit incredible institutions that she aspires to join in the future.

  • A group of young people having a joyful gathering in a room filled with bookshelves.
  • A group of people posing with a banner at the MENA Climate Week event in Riyadh.
  • A group of diverse people smiling and posing together in a classroom or seminar setting.

“Each day I get to spend time with an extremely multicultural and diverse cohort, which is tremendously valuable and inspiring.”

Francesca describes her experience in the program as varied and exciting. “Each day I get to spend time with an extremely multicultural and diverse cohort, which is tremendously valuable and inspiring.” Indeed, the networking opportunities presented by the international student body combined with the variety of events and speakers hosted at IE University are unparalleled. “I have the opportunity to attend extremely insightful conferences with all kinds of actors on a weekly basis, from businesspeople and heads of government to diplomats and civil servants. This truly enhances my academic experience and allows me to create a network of contacts for my future,” she adds.

Adding to her learning outside the classroom, Francesca has taken every opportunity to build useful skills and expand her network. As the Master Officer of IE University’s International Relations Society, she is developing plenty of organizational and leadership experience helping to organize the various events they put on.

Francesca’s advice to future students of the Master in International Development is to “take every opportunity and make the most of it.” Aside from the interesting and useful classes with professionals in the world of international relations, she reminds prospective students that the IE Experience offers much more thanks to the extracurricular activities on offer. “Work hard and invest the time to attend events, network, build relations with both professors and colleagues, listen and learn from different experiences, and make the best use of all the contacts and services offered,” she says.

Finally, Francesca says that if the program is in alignment with your future aspirations, she recommends it wholeheartedly. “Studying at IE University is undoubtedly a great experience that gives you the right foundations for a successful future.” As someone with a strong passion and drive to make a difference in the world, Francesca is an excellent example of what the IE Community represents.