Sujung Lim | IE Alumni

Sujung Lim

About me

Sujung Lim is an alumna from the TDHR program at IE. She graduated in 2021 from the Master in Talent Development & Human Resources program at IE Business School. She currently works as a Human Resources Analyst at Celanese, after Celanese acquired Dupont’s M&M division in 2022.

shapeSujung Lim
case2Human Resources Analyst at Celanese (formerly Dupont’s M&M division)
mapPointSouth Korea
studentMaster in Talent Development & Human Resources 2021

"Love where you live, then your place will love you."

Sujung Lim


Define your experience in the TDHR program in one word.

Opportunity. It was a whole new journey for me.

Why did you choose to study this program at IE?

When I worked in sales, I realized that hiring and managing the right salespeople is very critical for the success of the organization. That is how and why started to think about pursuing a master’s degree in human resources to learn more about people management in a global community. I specifically chose IE for many reasons.

First, IE’s great global reputation attracted me the most. Whenever I meet people at networking events or job interviews, IE’s great reputation helped me build a professional network more easily. Second, I thought learning Spanish could also be advantageous in developing my future career. Lastly, the short length of the program was important for me as well. I did not want to spend two years on a career shift.

In what ways do you think the program has changed your life professionally and personally?

When I lived in South Korea, I did not have many opportunities to meet people from different countries. The diverse environment at IE, with students from all around the world, helped me think and act as a global professional. Currently, I am working in a global HR team at DuPont, and all the experiences at IE assisted me to communicate and work with my colleagues from many different countries and backgrounds. And personally, the program really helped me to go out of my comfort zone. Now I find it much easier to adjust myself to a new environment and new people.

What is one thing you wished you knew, when you were a student?

I wish I knew that it takes time to adapt to a new environment, especially if you don’t have this kind of international experience. Please don’t rush and enjoy your moments although the program is very intense. There’s no need to rush, everything will fall into place when the moment is right.

What advice would you give to future students?

Join a group or a community. I volunteered for the TEDx Talks event at IE (TEDxIEMadrid), which allowed me to meet and connect with the speakers and attendees. I am still in touch with some of them. There are many events and student groups not only in the program but also outside of the program at IE. I believe such experiences would give future students many opportunities for professional growth and learning.

If you had a billboard that you could display to the world, what would you write on it?

Never settle.