Lola Garralda | IE Entrepreneurship

Lola Garralda

About me

Lola Garralda joined Pentagrom in 2014 when the start-up team came to IE Business School’s start-up accelerator. After winning IE's competition, they brought Pentagrom to start-up contests in London, Berlin and Silicon Valley.

shapeLola Garralda
case2CEO & co-founder of Pentagrom

CEO & co-founder of Pentagrom

Lola Garralda

Currently, the Pentagrom team is at SEK Lab, an ed-tech accelerator. Their products have attracted international attention, and was featured in Spain’s Emprendedores magazine and Bloomberg’s Newsweek.

Lola holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and studied a master’s in corporate communication at IE Business School in Madrid.

Pentagrom is an app that helps music students practice effectively and efficiently. The app makes the music exucation experience more intuitive, allowing students to learn by association instead of repetition.

Pentagrom is supported by patented technology developed by the start-up team.