Inma Rodríguez - Inspiradores | IE Lifelong Learning

Inma Rodríguez

About me

I’m a financial and business management professional specialized in corporate finance and management control. That’s precisely why I wanted to advance my career with IE’s Corporate Finance Program, which I could take online from Galicia, where I live and work. Through this program, I’ve obtained valuable knowledge, I’ve strengthened my career focus, and I’ve met outstanding professionals and excellent teachers.

I have over 18 years of experience in national and multinational environments, and although I currently work as an independent professional, I’ve worked at companies such as Iberconsa Group (as corporate controller of international subsidiaries), Hijos de Rivera, and Biofabri.

shapeInma Rodríguez
case2Corporate Finance, Management and Business Control, and Business Partner
studentCorporate Finance Program
Fondo testimonios

"It’s very enriching to share training, experiences, and networking with professionals from different sectors of finance."

Inma Rodríguez

Inma has a lot of experience with important companies both in Spain and internationally. She has been working as an independent professional since 2020, and that is what led her to study corporate finance at IE. The program helped her reinforce her objectives and learn from excellent professors and classmates.

Why did you decide to further your education at IE?

I chose IE for my Corporate Finance training because it is one of the most prestigious institutions. I hope it helps my CV stand out.

Aside from that, the program met my needs, and I was able to take the classes online (live) without any objections, something which was very important to me since I don’t live or work in Madrid.

Do you think that your time at IE has changed your focus in your career?

It has helped me specify and strengthen my career focus, as well as acquire a more open mentality. Thanks to this knowledge, now I’m more prepared for potential changes or redirections in my work strategy, if necessary.

What is your current professional status?

I’m currently looking for projects and collaborations.

In October 2020, my last significant employment experience ended, and I decided to learn more about Corporate Finance, a goal I had already had in mind. I took advantage of having a lighter workload to come out stronger and better prepared to take on new opportunities.

We finished the program in July 2021, and because of COVID and the fact that my main target area is Galicia, unfortunately no projects that meet my expectations have come up yet.

I have had some interest from firms where I felt bolstered by my IE training, but for now they’re contacts that haven’t panned out.

What is the most valuable lesson you learned during the program?

Receiving high-quality training at prestigious schools, with highly qualified professors who know how to convey their knowledge is worth it. And without a doubt, that’s what we had at IE.

It’s very enriching to share training, experiences, and networking with professionals from different sectors of finance. In the same group there were professionals who specialized in business finance, corporate banking, private banking, private equity, etc., and who were from different geographical areas.

It was also very valuable to see how the entire program unfolded and to interact with the different people involved. All that adds up and enriches you.