IE Law School launches a new academic year

IE Law School launches a new academic year
More than 600 undergraduate and master’s students take their first steps on a path full of opportunities and learning.

IE Law School launches a new academic year

In September, IE Law School kicked off the 2023–2024 academic year by welcoming its students with different celebrations for the beginning of bachelor’s, master’s and executive programs.     

During these inaugural events, over 600 students from a range of countries received words of advice from professional leaders, professors, members of the IE Community and alumni. 

“Providing you with excellent legal training is what motivates us every day. We are going to work with commitment and passion,” said Soledad Atienza, dean of IE Law School, at the opening ceremony of the Doble Máster en Abogacía (LL.M.) and the Master of Laws (LL.M.).

Additionally, in an inspiring keynote address, Michael Willisch, partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, encouraged students to apply themselves, take part in the opportunities available to them in their program and take pride in their practice of law.

IE Law School launches a new academic year

Clara Blanco, alum of the Doble Máster en Abogacía (LL.M.), and Victoria Ferrer, alum of the Master of Laws (LL.M.), who currently work as lawyers at Uría Menéndez and Corpag, respectively, were responsible for encouraging students to make the most of the academic experience. "The enthusiasm with which you face this challenge will increase day by day and, in contrast, the restlessness will pass, as you face these challenges with determination and responsibility," said Blanco. 

Meanwhile, students of the Executive LL.M. program co-directed by IE Law School and Northwestern Pritzker School of Law had the opportunity to get to know each other at the event, joined by Eugenia Castrillón, vice dean of programs at IE Law School, and Joshua M. Alter, associate dean of International Programs at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.   Both speakers highlighted the diversity, multidisciplinary and collaborative nature of the program, as well as the incredible team that supports it, including Diego Peña, director of admissions at IE Law School; Mercedes Blanco, executive director of the International Graduate Program, and Andrew Gonzales, junior manager of LL.M. programs, who took the stage at the presentation events. 

IE Law School launches a new academic year

Students of the Doble Máster en Abogacía (LL.M.) at IE Law School and PwC were also able to enjoy the inaugural ceremony for their program. “Today you begin a journey that demands teamwork, leadership and effort,” said Joaquín Latorre, partner in charge of PwC Tax & Legal, who, together with Amaia Otaola, alum and partner of People & Organization at PwC Tax & Legal, welcomed this new class at IE Tower.