Allison Rohe

Allison Rohe is the Deputy Director of IE's startup incubator/accelerator, Venture Lab, and she is the Director of Area 31, IE's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub.

For many years Allison worked in the field of humanitarian action as an analyst of armed conflicts and post-conflict processes. However, eventually she concluded that the actors with which she worked were limited (and somewhat jaded) in their abilities to make an impact on what she wanted to see change in the world. Therefore, she pivoted and studied a Masters in Corporate Social Responsibility to learn how to influence the actors she believed had the (economic) ability to do what she wanted: big businesses; however, that effort led her to the conclusion that big business was not the answer either. Later, she would go on to discover the potential and power of lean and agile methodologies and the "startup world".

As Deputy Director of IE's Venture Lab, Allison works with students across all of IE's schools and degree programs. As Director of Area 31 she manages IE’s Entrepreneurship Hub and organizes weekly events related to scalable entrepreneurship. Allison is also a Business Innovation Coach in IE's Global Executive MBA, an Intrapreneurship Coach for IE’s corporate clients, and she teaches Entrepreneurial Mindset to graduate students.

Corporate Experience

• American International Group, Inc. (Corporate Law, Emerging Markets), New York, NY

• Various international think-tanks and foundations (Madrid, Oslo, New York)

• Various Humanitarian NGOs (MSF, Oxfam, etc.)

• Various UN agencies (UN-OCHA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNRWA)

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship, IE Business School, 20016 to present

• Director, Area 31 IE University (2018 to present)

• Deputy Director, IE Venture Lab Accelerator IE University (2015 to present)

• Lecturer, Intercultural Development, New York University, 2011-2013

• Academic Director, New York University (Madrid), 2011-2013

• Cultural Director, Saint Louis University Madrid Campus, 2006-2009

• Lecturer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2001-2005

Academic Background

• MS.Ed. in Instructional Systems Technology (candidate) Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)

• Graduate Certificate Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)

• MA Corporate Social Responsibility, Universidad de Alcalá

• Experto en Información Internacional y Países del Sur, Facultad CC. de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

• BA in Government/International Relations, Smith College (Northampton, Massachusetts, USA)

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