A close-up view of a vibrant, multicolored abstract painting.



IE Business School is committed to excellence in research and to being an international reference in knowledge creation in all areas of management, as evidenced by its faculty’s contributions to academic and professional journals, books, case studies, and working papers, as well as its collaboration with companies to address real-life problems and the needs of corporations.

A man in a suit is speaking in a studio setting.


IE’s objective is to train better leaders and educate professionals and experts with an international vocation to make a difference in society. This mission requires a permanent commitment to innovation in our training programs, which is indisputably linked to the capacity to generate knowledge. IE carries out numerous activities throughout the academic year to support research and promote debate and the exchange of knowledge and ideas at all levels.


Our mission is to build bridges to develop and strengthen relations between the business and  academic worlds, through the creation of alliances to generate and disseminate knowledge that can be used to help business.


The mission of IE’s centers is to produce a pragmatic and innovative line of research that can be immediately applied to all areas of activity at IE.

  • The insurance industry is responsible for approximately 6.5% of global GDPand makes a significant contribution to the economy in developed economies.

    In Spain, the sector represents 5.5% of national GDP and offers a strong development potential, not only in terms of business growth, but also in qualitative aspects of professionalization, technological advancement, public perception and the application of new technologies.

    Contact: cir@ie.edu

  • IE Business School shapes leaders who promote innovation and change in organizations, equipping directors with an entrepreneurial mindset that generates employment, wealth and social wellbeing.

    Since its inception, IE Business School has embraced the entrepreneurial spirit as a core value, and is now an international reference in the field of entrepreneurship.

    The School’s International Centre for Entrepreneurial Management serves as a hub for all activities related to the field, both academic and corporate.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

    Web: cir.ie.edu

  • The mission of the Human Resources Centre at IE is to provide support for HR directors and specialists to update their professional skills.

    We provide a platform for the generation and exchange of knowledge in different areas of human resources, with particular emphasis on emerging issues that may have a marked impact on management capacities in the near future. The Center focuses on three main areas:

    Knowledge creation 1. Development of applied research projects. 2. Preparation of reference and benchmarking reports. 3. Participation in national and international research forums.

    Knowledge dissemination: 1. Organization of conferences and seminars for HR directors and managers. 2. Participation in debates on issues of interest to professionals in the sector.

    Generation of Networks: 1. Organization and management of interest groups and communities to examine specialized aspects of human resources. 2. Generation of an information point on the web that serves as a hub for up-to-the-minute sources and issues for human resource professionals.

    Activities carried out by the Centre include: The IE Human Resource Benchmarking Club, Observatory on Internal Communication and Identity, E&E HR Awards for Innovation in HR, Organization of Seminars and Conferences and Applied Research.

    Contact: hrcenter@ie.edu

    Web: hrcenter.ie.edu


    We live in complex times, when complex solutions are needed and where one-size fits all solutions no longer apply. Diversity is a journey and like any journey, requires careful navigation. The mission of the IE Center for Diversity in Global Management to help organizations navigate these complex times by harnessing the power of diversity to help them become resilient, efficient and to innovate. The IE Center for Diversity in Global Management was created in September 2002, and has since become an invaluable resource for the IE community.

    The Center’s objectives are essentially achieved via training, applied research and awareness-raising activities, as well as through networking events designed to foster international debate. Supported by the IE Foundation, the center draws on the technological and entrepreneurial spirit of IE, benefitting from its emphasis on the Humanities.

    Contact: centerfordiversity@ie.edu

    Web: centerfordiversity.ie.edu

  • The IE Center for Negotiation and Mediation trains corporate management professionals in skills and techniques for negotiation and mediation.

    Furthermore, the Center aims to analyze and investigate the processes of negotiation to design and apply content, methods and its own tools for its training work. Our training activities are spread over the following working lines:

    1. The teaching of Masters programs and advanced post-graduate courses at IE.
    2. The development of executive education. Throughout the year, the Center holds a range of workshops and courses that are open to any professionals who want to learn the techniques of negotiation.
    3. In-company training courses tailored to the client and whose duration varies depending on the training needs required.
    4. Online training courses complemented by continual contact with teaching staff through email, forums and open discussions.
    5. Collaboration in, and the undertaking of, a range of activities, conferences and forums related to negotiation.
    6. Debates and publications on the Foro Negocia platform, designed to generate knowledge regarding the nature, limits and purpose of negotiation.
    7. Publication of results from the varying research lines carried out at the Center.
    8. The carrying out and translation of various practical case studies to be used in the different programs. Studies and analysis of films dealing with dispute management and negotiation.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

    Web: centronegociacion.ie.edu

  • SCIEF is Europe´s leading center for Islamic Economics and Finance. The center was launched in 2009 with the mission to be a hub for research, teaching, applying and promoting Islamic economics and finance within Spanish and international businesses, governments and future leaders.

    The center leverages from the experience of its partners: Islamic Economics Institute – King Abdulaziz University and IE Business School and Chair for Ethics and Financial Norms (CEFN) – University of Paris 1, Sorbonne.

    The activities range from developing course material, leadership through producing publications, conducting executive training on contemporary issues and raising awareness through our think tank series on Islamic finance and the future of alternative financing in business.

    Contact: gonzalo.rodriguez@ie.edu / laura.rodriguez@ie.edu

    Web: scief.es

  • The IE Center for European Studies is a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence. It completes the recognition of IE University as a distinguished institution in the generation of knowledge of European Integration in Spain, after having offered various Jean Monnet European Modules, as well as the creation of a Jean Monnet Chair.

    The IE Center for European Studies aims to become a leader in the study and teaching of European integration.

    The IE Center for European Studies is active in three areas: conferences and public debates, research, and teaching.

    Conferences and public debates: The center will organize multi-disciplinary academic conferences and seminars aimed at academics and experts on European studies as well as debates open to the public through its alumni network.

    Research: The center will promote research and disseminate research papers written by its members. In particular, itsworking papers will include studies on European integration from different perspectivesfields. This working paper series will incorporate those  sponsored by the Jean Monnet Chair at IE.

    Teaching: The center will deliver European modules in each Master’s as well as Bachelor degree programs at IE University. In addition, the center intends also to offer European programs for foreign students, as well as the summer school courses in Madrid and Segovia.

    Contact: cee@ie.edu

    Web: cee.ie.edu

  • The Center’s aim is to contribute to the development and impact of families in business. We help families in business and their interest groups understand the environment through reputable training resources, think with the support of research based on excellence and act to create positive connections and make decisions.

    We accompany these families throughout their professional and life journeys, guiding them with regard to their strategy and providing them with the latest information, a network of contacts and a top-notch team. Our priority is to develop and disseminate the distinguishing characteristics of the families in business, placing value on their contribution to society.

    Contact: familiesinbusiness@ie.edu

    Web: familiesinbusiness.ie.edu

  • The Center for the Governance of Change (CGC) is an applied-research, educational institution based at IE University that studies the political, economic, and societal implications of the current technological revolution and advances solutions to overcome its unwanted effects.

    The CGC produces pioneering impact-oriented research that cuts across disciplines and methodologies to unveil the complexity of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, and Robotics, and explore its potential threats and contributions to society.

    Contact: cgc@ie.edu

    Web: ie.edu/cgc/

  • IE Africa Center aims to revolutionize the way in which the next generation of global executives understand African innovation – past and present. We understand that the intellectual and physical contributions of Africa and its people are not only central to the modern world as it exists today, but are crucial to contemplate a better future.

    The vision of the Center is to promote an African-centric view of both modernity and the future by partnering with African innovators and their institutions on the continent and across the diaspora, to build academic content and research designed to reshape the world. The IE Africa Center collaborates with knowledge experts and thought leaders to bring the African perspective to global conversations on humanities, education and social innovation.

    Contact: africa@ie.edu

    Web: ie.edu/africa/

  • From the classroom to the workplace, modern life poses many difficult challenges.  It is our belief that higher education must provide important life skills for individuals not only to survive, but to thrive amidst these challenges.

    Our mission is to give students, staff and alumni of IE University the skills necessary to help them study, live and work at their very best. The Center takes a scientifically grounded and holistic approach to enhancing performance and happiness through simple, practical and sustainable educational programs.

    Contact: HappinessCenter@ie.edu

    Web: ie.edu/center-for-health-well-being-and-happiness/

  • “Transport and Infrastructure may not be deemed as essential to development and equal opportunity as education or health , but it is often just behind.” (Gómez-Ibáñez, 2003)

    With the support of the IE Foundation and top-level global companies in the transport and infrastructure sector, the Center carries out activities, seminars and reports that will serve to reflect and disseminate knowledge in these areas.

    Web: cteim.ie.edu

  • Nuestros objetivos:

    • Generar un espacio de encuentros y de debate en torno a temas relevantes para el CEO y su Comité de Dirección, y para el Consejo
    • Proponer reflexiones en torno a temas relevantes y de actualidad que impactan en la agenda del CEO y del Consejo
    • Compartir las reflexiones e ideas generadas por las actividades del GCC entre líderes de opinión e “influencers”

    Web: globalcorporationcenter.com


We promote research to meet the needs of the business world.

  • Building customer loyalty is now a major objective for businesses. In a highly competitive environment where products and services are increasingly similar and customers have more information and are much more demanding, companies need to generate a strong bond with their customers.

    The Travel Club Chair in Customer Loyalty is designed to serve as a catalyst for applied research in the most relevant topics in the field of customer loyalty, as well as a platform to transfer knowledge to the business community.

    Contact: catedrafidelizacion@ie.edu

    Web: loyaltychair.ie.edu

  • The main objective of this Chair, directed by Cristina Simón, is to foster innovation and ongoing improvement in human resources practices within the Inditex Group.

    This is essentially achieved through the development of applied research and knowledge transfer , and the creation of interdisciplinary work groups focusing on current issues affecting human resources in the fashion industry. Close coordination between academics and professionals within the company produces specific human resources practices that are implemented within the Inditex group of companies.

    These practices are of interest to, adopted by and ultimately constitute best practices to other companies in the industry.


    1. Professional update projects for the human resources departments of the Inditex Group.
    2. Documentation projects: review and selection of centers and sources of human resources information in the retail/fashion industry.
    3. Applied research.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

  • The industry of luxury goods and premium consumption is exceedingly interesting, beacuse of  its growth in recent years, for the positive impact it has on Europe and for the origin of most brands.

    This sector, which includes categories as diverse as automotive, technology, hotels, wine, products for personal use such as fashion, cosmetics and perfumery, jewelry and watches, has based its success on it’s capacity for innovation and the ability of the constituent companies to transform creativity into profitability. Today the industry faces new challenges such as opportunities for development and growth. Consumption in Asia, new values of the consumer

    The industry of luxury goods and premium consumption sector has growm rapidly in recent years.

    It includes automotive, technology, hotels, wine, products for personal use such as fashion, cosmetics and perfumery, jewelry and watches, and has based its success on its capacity for innovation and its ability to transform creativity into profitability. Today the industry faces new challenges as well as new opportunities for growth, Among them the rise of Asian markets, changing consumer value, and the impacts of technology and the internet.

    The  Observatory for the Premium and Prestige Market analyzes consumption patterns and the industry in depth.

    The first area of study was to determine who the luxury and premium consumers are, and their spending habits. This started in Spain and has since beenexpanded internationally to generate global awareness about the sector.

    Objectives of the Chair are:

    1. To generate knowledge forsponsors and the academic sector through applied research and projects.
    2. To be a benchmark for research into the luxury sectors by attracting the industries top experts.
    3. To be a platform that integrates activities related to the premium and prestige business industry,  including research, dissemination, and training.
    4. To be an incubator for new ideas and business development within the industry.
    5. To transfer  knowledge to sponsoring companies.

    Contact: observatoriopremium@ie.edu

  • The Pérez-Llorca/IE Commercial Law Chair is a joint initiative between IE Law School and Pérez-Llorca is dedicated to applied research and publishing in the area of commercial law, oriented to legal practices in an international context.

    The aim of the Chair is to create applied research of the highest standards in the area of commercial law and to share this research with law firms, companies, and law schools. All of this will be done through the joint activities of IE Law School and Pérez-Llorca.

    This chair aims to promote the development of research and publications in commercial law on  ownership of companies, corporate governance, market regulations, and the economic crisis. The objective is to promote knowledge in the most relevant areas of commercial law through seminars, conferences, and publications.

    IE and Pérez-Llorca consider this Chair an effective platform to contribute to the design and implementation of business and regulatory policies in this field.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

  • The European Commission granted a Jean Monnet Chair to IE,  is held by Marie-José Garot, who teaches at IE Law School. This Chair is part of the European Commission’s Jean Monnet Program in memory of one of the founding fathers of the European Union.

    The objective of the Jean Monnet Chairs is to stimulate teaching, research, and thought in the field of European integration in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

    The Jean Monnet Program was launched in 1989 and is present in approximately 700 universities and in more than 72 countries. Between1990 and 2011, 879  Jean Monnet Chairs have been set up.

    IE is the first Spanish business school to obtain a Jean Monnet Chair. Together with the IE Center of Excellence for European Studies, the Chair organizes seminars and conferences on European questions. It also promotes the creation of new courses on European integration.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

    Web: profesorado/ci.marie-jose-garot-.null

  • The José María Cervelló Chair was established in memory of the founder of IE Law School. In addition to teaching at IE Law School, this Chair undertakes a research program in areas related to business law practices and, in particular, professional ethics.

    The José María Cervelló Chair sponsors annual scholarships for law graduates who wish to enroll in the following IE Law School programs: Master in Legal Consulting for Companies (LL.M.), Master in Fiscal Consulting for Companies (LL.M.) and Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Legal Practice.

    The book Deontología Profesional y Práctica de la abogacía del Siglo XXI edited by Adolfo Menéndez and Juan José Torres, was jointly published by the Chair and Thomson/Aranzadi in 2009.

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu


IE’s projects contribute to research and the spread of knowledge.

  • Annual Report on Sovereign Wealth Funds produced by IE Sovereign Wealth Lab in collaboration with ICEX and Fundación KPMG, and lead by IE SWFs experts: Javier Santiso (Associate Professor of IE; President of IE-SWLab); Javier Capapé (Director of IE-SWLab); Tomás Guerrero (Associate Ressearcher of IE-SWLab).

    This research offers an in-depth look at SWFs trends, strategies and transactions and their impact in global economy. According to the data report there are 94 SWFs managing 7.1 trillion$ and based in 28 countries (12 of these countries are from sub-Saharan Africa). It contains a detailed analysis by geographic area and by sector, especially on venture capital, hotel industry and luxury industry . The report corroborates the solid weight of private markets as well as the new assets allocation.

    Click here to download full report.

    Click here to watch the explanatory video.

    Contact: Javier.capape@ie.edu

  • Part of a series of research papers on family firms by IE in collaboration with Banca March, its focus is corporate governance in such companies.  The recent economic crisis has generated an intense debate about the best practices in corporate governance, and publicly traded family firms should be part of this debate.

    Past papers on this series analyzed the distinctive features of family firms and explained the presence of a family premium in the European stock markets, while warning about some of the risks associated with family control of firms.  The current report stems from the conviction that some of these risks could be mitigated by improving corporate governance structures in family firms.

    The principal author of the study is Cristina Cruz, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Area at IE, professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Firms, and a recognized researcher on this topic.

    Click here to see the report.

    Contact: cristina.cruz@ie.edu

  • IE Business School and PWC’s Center for Public Sector Innovation has produced Smart Cities, the digital transformation of cities, which looks at the perceptions and priorities of residents, experts, and public officials, diagnosing the reality of smart cities. The book has been sponsored by Telefonica.

    To see the study click here

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

  • In line with our institutional mission to applied research,  the new series will help us in promoting the work of our scholars, professors and researchers.

    Companies and institutions can play a significant role by donating to this program to sustain ongoing resources. Donors can also help with data gathering and contributing  to the publication where the topic fits an area of their expertise.

    A first series of four publications dedicated to the consumer products and retail industries is already in progress, thanks to the support of Ernst & Young Spain. Professors Álvaro Arenas, Martin Boehm, Daniel Corsten, and Javier Carrillo together with Totti Könnölä, will focus, respectively, on information security in the mobile retail, pricing strategies, profit optimization and the sustainability agenda.

    To see the study click here

    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

  • Comments on a few court rulings make up our knowledge of M&A contracts in Spain.  In response, IE Business School and Hogan Lovells have carried out a study on how large companies and private equity funds operate in this area.  This study, carried out between 2013 and 2014, provides an analysis of more than 200 M&As of IBEX companies, along with companies not listed in Spain, unlisted groups, Spanish private equity funds, and international private equity funds active in Spain.

    You can dowload the report and the academic work led by Francisco Marcos here: click here


    Contact: investigacion@ie.edu

  • This study seeks that the readers can create their own opinion on the importance of the brand when planning an effective way to grow abroad.

    Click here to download full report.

  • Annual Report on Sovereign Wealth Funds produced by the IE Sovereign Wealth Lab (IE-SWLab) in collaboration with ICEX Spain Trade and Investment. Lead and co-edited by IE SWFs experts: Javier Santiso, PhD (Associate Professor of IE; Head of IE-SWLab) and Javier Capapé, PhD (Adjunct Professor of IE; Director of IE-SWLab). And the participation of Tomás Guerrero (Associate Researcher of IE-SWLab).

    Drafted with the participation of internationally renowned experts, the 2017 Sovereign Wealth Funds report analyses the most recent trends in the SWFs industry, including information about new and consolidated funds, largest deals, top sectors targeted, such as logistics real estate and venture capital, and upcoming investment trends.

    The report, shows how countries like the US, India, China or the UK, continue to be particularly attractive to SWF. Also, the Report covers in deep the new vehicles promoted by Saudi Arabia and China, together with the impact of SWFs on real assets, including infrastructure and “green and sustainable industries”.

    Click here to download full report.

    Click here to download the Executive summary.

    Click here to watch the explanatory video.

  • This study seeks the relationship of payment collections between companies in this Spain.

    Click here to download full report