Ana Isabel Alcaine Abad

Ana has more than 12 years of experience identifying, analyzing, negotiating and investing in start-ups and more mature business; as well as monitoring portfolio companies, being part of the Board of Directors and getting involved in other aspects, particularly with younger teams or companies. She has experience investing in diverse sectors, and along most phases in the company lifecycle: seed, start-up, growth and acquisition of mature business through LBOs.

She is currently an advisor both to start-ups a(business plan, finance, fundraising) and to corporations (open innovation). In the last few years, Ana has combined her business experience with her role as Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at IE, teaching courses both in the EMBA and the MiM.

Previously in her career she worked as a management consultant in Madrid and Barcelona and in a business development & operational integration role for a telecom multinational based in London.

Ana holds an MBA from London Business School and a degree in Business Administration from the University of Zaragoza, and has completed several other courses both at IE and UCLA.

Her pro-bono activities include mentoring entrepreneurs (both social and technological) with IE, and being a member of the LBS Alumni Council.

Corporate Experience

• Independent advisor to entrepreneurs, investors, corporations and institutions active in the entrepreneurial space.

• Investment Director at Going Investment

• Service Delivery Manager with Damovo (previously Ericsson Enterprises)

• Management consultant with Accenture and Diamondcluster (nowadays, Oliver Wyman).

Academic Experience

• Current: Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Venturing (EMBA) and Entrepreneurship (MIM), IE Business School

• 2014 – 19 Professor, IEBS (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Business School), Barcelona. Strategy, entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneurship (Master in Mobile, Master in Tourism).

Academic Background

• MBA London Business School (London, UK).

• Business Administration, Universidad de Zaragoza.

• Professional organization courses (Private equity/Venture Capital): Advanced Private Equity course with EVCA (European Venture Capital Association), LBO course with Ascri (Spanish VC Association).

• Other postgraduate programs: courses of Negotiation, Valuation and Private Equity (IE). W50 (UCLA).

Ana Isabel
Last Name
Alcaine Abad