IE Business School DBA program ranked best in the world by CEOWorld Magazine

IE Business School DBA program ranked best in the world by CEOWorld Magazine
IE Business School is the best business school in the world to do a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program according to the 2014 Best DBA Degree Ranking published by CEOWorld Magazine.

The ranking examines possible specializations, flexibility and the cost of the programs. The report was based on the opinion of over 5,000 readers of CEOWorld Magazine, 79% of whom hold postgraduate qualifications, while 81% have hiring experience. The authors of the report underscored the quality of IE Business School’s DBA, a blended part-time program which runs for 4 years, and which equips participants with a deep knowledge of management science coupled with qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Marco Trombetta, Vice Dean of Research at IE Business School explained that Doctoral studies in the area of management are currently undergoing a deep renovation and change process.  “IE Business School was a pioneer when it designed a DBA program that permits top-flight professionals to train as researchers, thereby leveraging their knowledge of business realities to the full.” Students of IE Business School’s DBA program have postgraduate qualifications and typically have between 8 and 10 years of professional experience. The majority come from Europe (54%) and America (37%). In terms of areas of knowledge, 43% have a business studies background, 20% have studied engineering/technology, and 14% have studied science.