Andrew Moorman | IE School of Global and Public Affairs

Andrew Moorman

About me

My name is Andrew Moorman and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. I'd describe myself as the person who wants to get to know everyone in the classroom, and I pride myself on being an easy person to talk to. I like challenging myself when it comes to learning, and I feel passionate about experiencing new cultures, international security, and, strangely enough, political fact checking.

shapeAndrew Moorman
case2Master’s student, Consultant (International Fact-Checking Network)
studentMaster in International Development
Adrew Moorman | IE School of Global and Public Affairs

“In an increasingly connected world, the new International Development program at IE University appealed to me as a way of advancing my career path in years to come.”

Andrew Moorman

Before IE University, I was actually one of three students in my program to come straight out of an undergraduate degree. At the age of 22, I was the youngest person in my program. I studied Criminal Justice at Western New England University, where I played rugby on campus, worked in public safety, and was a resident advisor for three years.

I had three main reasons for choosing IE University. Firstly, I knew that I wanted to pursue my master’s degree in Europe to gain a completely different perspective from what I’d experienced in the United States. In addition, I wanted to pick a place where I could learn the local language. With a small background in Spanish, I knew that Madrid would be perfect. In an increasingly connected world, the new International Development program also appealed to me as a way of advancing my career path in years to come.

Compared to my classmates, my professional experience was actually quite different—I’d worked as an Emergency Medical Technician on an ambulance, as well as spending three summers working as a police officer. Nonetheless, in the end it was this unique professional experience that meant I could offer my classmates a practical perspective on projects, thinking about how implementation at street level might look.

For me, building amazing friendships with those in my course was truly the highlight of the program. Among a class of 39 professionals set on making the world a better place, it wasn’t difficult for us to become close friends quickly. With about 21 different nationalities represented, the cultural exchange was what I lived for—getting the opportunity to try new foods, celebrate different holidays, and live like a Spaniard in the capital.

Andrew Moorman | IE School of Global and Public Affairs
Andrew Moorman | IE School of Global and Public Affairs
Andrew Moorman | IE School of Global and Public Affairs

It was also fascinating to learn about political and linguistic aspects of different cultures from such a diverse group of classmates. I heard from others who viewed global political topics in a completely different light, each with their own vision for a developed world. It was also interesting to learn some common phrases in different languages and discuss their meanings in English. I came to Spain looking to improve my Spanish; I left with a little bit of everything.

Academically speaking, my experience at IE University was definitely challenging. As the first ever intake for the International Development program, there were aspects in which none of us knew what to expect. I found myself learning about topics and subjects that I didn’t think I would ever discuss in a classroom, but I know it helped me to develop a well-rounded academic profile.

I found myself learning about topics and subjects that I didn’t think I would ever discuss in a classroom, but I know it helped me to develop a well-rounded academic profile.

Additionally, the program’s partnership with the United Nations System Staff College made for a really inspiring curriculum. During the year, our projects were aligned with objectives outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. From a personal perspective, this made me realize where I  hope to make a contribution in the future: working towards Sustainable Development Goal 16, which stands for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

In the long run, my overarching goal is to work in the International Security realm, helping to promote global security and keep people safe. Coming into this program, I was almost certain that I’d only look for work in the United States. However, my experience of studying has motivated me to apply for positions in Europe as well, seeing as most of the International Organizations I’d like to work with have their headquarters in Europe.

Above all, my experience at IE University has taught me the importance of being a global citizen. I now understand the steps the world must take to overcome its biggest challenges.