Sibylle Antaki

Sibylle Antaki

About me

I was born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, but moved to Lebanon when the war started. I’d say my curiosity is the driving force in my life. I constantly seek to explore new ideas and learn from every experience or individual in my path. My values, optimism and beliefs are the fruit of inspiration from my family, education and roots, as well as my personal experiences over the years, and they guide everything I do. Apart from that, volunteering has always been important to me. Caring for those in need has provided unparalleled gratification. As for my career, my philosophy is simple—I aspire to have an impact in whichever field I end up in.

shapeSibylle Antaki
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Relations
Sibylle Antaki

“What has made my experience a remarkable one so far is the diversity of the IE Community, be it through its students or professors.”

Sibylle Antaki

Building a toolkit for integration in the Middle East

Sibylle Antaki was inspired to study international relations through her firsthand experience growing up in the Middle East. She was acutely aware of the significant challenges in the region: limited business opportunities, weak social support systems and difficulty accessing credit for starting new businesses, creating employment opportunities or backing growth. Guided by her belief that everyone has unique skills or knowledge to offer, she wanted to pursue a career that could contribute to making the world more equal and inclusive.

With the Middle East recently attracting attention from big multinationals, Sibylle quickly realized the importance of understanding the reasons behind their investments in the region. Wanting to grasp the complexities of the global system, she decided to enroll in the Master in International Relations at IE University. She felt the program offered the right foundation for a successful career in the Middle East, covering crucial aspects like regional stability, political economy and international law.

Sibylle's educational journey began with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. During the program, she undertook an exchange semester in at SciencesPO in Menton, France where she deepened her interest in international relations. “This field has been in the back of my mind ever since,” she says.

In her professional life, Sibylle devoted a year and a half to working with the Order of Malta Lebanon, an organization dedicated to restoring the dignity of the less fortunate. She was responsible for planning, implementing and overseeing activities for vulnerable children, differently-abled individuals and destitute elders throughout the country. Coordinating these initiatives across various regions was a big task, but she had the support of over 300 volunteers who she oversaw. That said, Sibylle’s role transcended the typical 9-to-5 job. It became a daily mission infused with the values instilled by the Order of Malta—values she now considers integral to her identity.

“My understanding of international relations goes beyond the classroom and grants me a different but enlightening perspective on the theoretical aspects of the program.”

  • Sibylle Antaki
  • Sibylle Antaki
  • Sibylle Antaki

Her work there stemmed from a long-time love for volunteering, which has been a constant in Sibylle's life starting from a young age. It has exposed her to diverse communities of all ages and backgrounds and, through these interactions, she’s gained compassion, open-mindedness and communication skills. In her own words, “Volunteering fosters a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I make a positive difference, no matter its scale, in the lives of the underprivileged.”

It’s not surprising that all these experiences ignited a passion to make the world a better place. Sibylle aspires to use her career to connect marginalized communities—full of talent and potential—to resources and opportunities. But her empathy is balanced with rationality and Sibylle always tries to see the big picture, considering the long-term effects of every decision. She hopes to combine her passion for people and volunteering with an entrepreneurial mindset, in this way fulfilling her professional and personal ambitions.

Now, IE University is helping her to achieve her goals. Reflecting on her time in the Master in International Relations so far, Sibylle describes it as an enriching and fascinating experience. The introduction to the world of international relations, through both her courses and the various conferences she attended in the first semester, has been “truly eye-opening.” She has especially enjoyed the numerous seminars and workshops organized by the university that provide a unique opportunity to interact with diplomats and industry experts. As she explains, “These events give us an idea of our potential roles and positions, as well as the countless possibilities awaiting us after graduation.”

Though only partway through the program, Sibylle says she’s already undergone significant growth, honing valuable skills such as research and critical thinking. Commenting on the holistic approach of the program, she says, “My understanding of international relations goes beyond the classroom and grants me a different but enlightening perspective on the theoretical aspects of the program.” The diversity within the IE Community has been another standout aspect of her experience.

As she anticipates an even more exciting semester ahead, Sibylle looks forward to delving deeper into her chosen specializations while diligently working on her capstone project. She embarks on the next chapter of her journey knowing that it won’t just shape her next steps professionally, but also contribute to her ongoing personal development. To prospective students considering the Master in International Relations, she advises, “It’s an opportunity unlike any other, so don’t even think twice—start applying before it’s too late!”

  • Sibylle Antaki
  • Sibylle Antaki
  • Sibylle Antaki