The new edition of the IE High Potential Award has begun

The new edition of the IE High Potential Award has begun
The IE High Potential Award is a scholarship granted to the top candidates for IE Law School’s Doble Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía programs.

The new edition of the IE High Potential Award scholarship is now open for candidates of IE Law School’s Doble Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía. The deadline to apply is December 16, 2022. These awards are designed to acknowledge the efforts of the brightest students admitted to our programs, and are based on academic merit.

The IE High Potential Award: Merit-Based Recognition

As soon as they are accepted into one of the applicable programs, all students with an average grade of 7.5 or higher are automatically submitted as candidates for the scholarship. No additional steps are necessary, as candidates are selected during the program application process, based on their academic history, achievements and motivation. The Admissions Department is responsible for selecting candidates and passing on information on nominees to the Scholarship Committee, which notifies the winners soon after their admission.

The recipients of the previous edition of the IE High Potential Award share what this recognition has meant to them:

Lou Ladoire, a recipient of the High Potential Award, says that she would not have been able to study her master’s program if she hadn’t received this financial aid. As a result, she’s thankful that the process was so quick and easy. Sofía Echezarra, another student enjoying the benefits of the prize, adds that she found out about the High Potential Award from a friend. It especially caught her attention because according to her, “There aren’t very many universities that offer scholarships based on academic performance.” Receiving the award was an honor for her, as she felt like it was the first time that she was truly being rewarded for the academic effort she had put in throughout her studies.

On the other hand, Lydia Aires had already completed a bachelor’s program at IE University and found out about the award while applying for a master’s program to continue her education.

“The award process was a great opportunity for me to continue to study at IE University, as it supported me financially.”
Lydia Aires

The IE High Potential Award: Merit-Based Recognition

Ignacio de Benito, yet another award-winner, describes the process as being “rigorous and demanding” and yet “convenient and simple” at the same time. Miguel Getino agrees. “Ever since the first email I sent asking for information, I received quick and thorough responses and all of my questions were answered,” he adds.

Everybody agrees that one of the key factors in obtaining this award is to have made an effort during your studies. Miguel elaborates: “I think that the effort I put into getting a high-enough average and my participation in university extracurricular activities gave me a competitive advantage over the other candidates.”

On the other hand, Irene de Palma submitted her application to the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica program early in order to also be eligible for this award. According to her, “If you want to stand out from the other candidates, it’s important to offer something that makes you special and adds value to the institution.”

We at IE Law School would like to congratulate these new students who stood out for their talent. We expect to see great things from them in the future. If you are a brilliant student interested in continuing your education with a program designed to open doors to the best professional opportunities, start your admission process to our Dobles Másters de Acceso a la Abogacía today. Good luck!