LSGL, Ontier and IE launch Global Legal Tech Venture Days at Tech Law Fest in Singapore

Law School´s Global League, with the support of Ontier, IE and the collaboration of South Summit, are organizing a Legaltech Venture Day at TechLaw.Fest, an event that will bring together more than 3000 attendees, including leading thinkers in the space of Technology Law and Legal Technology.

TechLaw.Fest is a multi-dimensional event that combines both ‘Law of Tech’ and ‘Tech of Law’ and includes conferences, exhibitions, master-classes, a startup competition organized by LSGL and Ontier, a hackathon and business networking opportunities.

During three days, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, technologists, lawyers, and policy-makers will come together to debate and respond to the challenges and opportunities brought about by the technological disruption in legal services, access to justice and the definition of the 21st-century legal professional.

Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister-in-charge of the Smart Nation Initiative, Singapore will be giving the opening keynote and Andrew Arruda, CEO & Co-founder of ROSS Intelligence, will be closing the event.

IE Law School´s Dean and LSGL co-president, Javier de Cendra, will take part in a dialogue on “Re-modelling the Business of Law: How Tech is Challenging the Traditional Law Firm and Lawyer” along with Mark A. Cohen, CEO Legal Mosaic, Adrian ANG, Partner at Allen & Gledhill and Duc Trang, Managing Director at Landon Advisory. They will debate on how technology is making it necessary for law firms to re-assess their value proposition and the skills lawyers must equip themselves with to deliver value.


Global Legaltech Venture Days kick-off in Singapore

In this context, and with the goal of promoting positive uses of technology in the legal realm, Law Schools Global League (partnered with ONTIER and IE) launch the first Global Legal Tech Venture Days. This cutting-edge, highly competitive program is designed to identify and support start-ups that have the ability to have a positive impact on major challenges faced by legal systems and facilitate the access to justice.

This Global Competition consists of three regional venture days: the first one taking place at TechLaw.Fest in Singapore on April 5th, the second one will take place in Chicago, USA, on June 15th, and the final one will be in México City in June.

The winners of the regional competitions will be invited to participate at the final Global Legal Tech Venture Day in Madrid in July. Finalists will present their projects to a mix of investors, government officials, business pioneers, and representatives of key industries and will have the opportunity to meet world-leading experts in their field and receive advice, insights and best practices.

A unique opportunity to launch your startup (at a global level!)

The Global Legaltech Venture Day final prize consists of a residency program tailored to the winning start-up’s specific needs. The winners will work with IE and ONTIER up to 3 months (starting September 2018). During this time IE and ONTIER will help the team develop its product and/or adapt it to the legal market and carry out pilots with real users, allowing the winning team to align the product with the needs of the legal market and gain insights on matters that might not seem significant to tech founders.

A large part of the program’s value comes from intense immersion in the legal world and daily collaboration with ONTIER and the IE community.

Furthermore, the winning team will not only have access to all events hosted by Area 31 (IE's long-standing entrepreneurship center) but also have access to investors, leading professionals and potential partners and customers.

The winning team will also acquire global exposure through Area 31's and ONTIER’s external communications and have the opportunity to pitch on IE's stage at South Summit, which leads to unparalleled opportunities.

South Summit is the Leading Event from the South, connecting the most innovative entrepreneurs with the most important investors and the global corporations seeking to improve their global competitiveness through innovation.  Every year, more than 650 investors, 3000 startups and more than 12500 people participate in South Summit.