A smiling man in a suit standing in front of rows of international flags.

Vermon Washington

About me

I’m from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, and I have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. In every area of life, I am driven by my consistent desire to help others whenever possible. My goal is to contribute to creating change and making the world a better place. I’m also motivated, pushing myself to do hard things and consistently setting ambitious personal and professional goals.

shapeVermon Washington
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Development
A smiling man with outstretched arms standing in front of a building named 'Cervecería Las Torres'.

"The Master in International Development is well-rounded and will provide you with all the necessary skills for your career aspirations."

Vermon Washington

Fighting climate change and helping to build a more equal world

Vermon Washington | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

Vermon Washington has big ambitions. He want to change the world for the better through his work—and he’s already taking big strides toward achieving his goal! With a civil engineering background, Vermon decided to focus his skills on building sustainable infrastructure early on. But to do that, he would need to strengthen his understanding of sustainable development; that’s what led him to IE University.

Vermon was drawn to the Master in International Development by its core focus on sustainability. The fact that it is built around the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was an unexpected benefit. “Furthermore, the program's partnership with the United Nations System Staff College was a great opportunity to learn more about the UN System,” he adds.

The program aligned perfectly with Vermon’s career ambitions. As someone who’s always taken a particular interest in climate change, he was happy to discover that the study plan included a specific specialization track—Environmental Politics and Climate Action—that would allow him to explore that. “It was the right opportunity and master's program for me at the right time.”

The admissions interview only cemented his desire to come to IE University, when he learned about the diversity of the IE Community. “I wanted to be part of such a vibrant student body, learn more about different cultures and meet new people from around the world.”

  • A group of seven women and one man posing in front of a banner that reads 'President's Young Professionals Program (PYPP)'.
  • A man smiling and holding an award certificate in front of a banner with 'IE University' and 'Com AWARDS' logos.
  • A group of people posing for a photo at an event for the President's Young Professionals Program.

Before coming to study in Madrid, Vermon had already made an impressive mark back home. He started his career as a program and communications intern at Smart Liberia, a social venture providing young Liberians with the skills and resources to help drive social change. He then spent two years serving as the alumni relations and communications associate in the President’s Young Professionals Program (PYPP). The competitive initiative places recent college graduates in roles within Liberia’s civil service, where they receive training and mentorship.

This professional trajectory, coupled with his pursuit of the Master in International Development, are clear evidence of Vermon’s commitment to encouraging progress in Liberia—and beyond. “I look forward to working at the intersection of public policy and international development, creating systems to drive rapid reforms in specific sectors, such as access to education or healthcare worldwide, and ensuring that the impact of climate change is adequately mitigated.”

“I have learned from experts in their fields, and the program content is specifically tailored to provide all the much-needed skills.”

  • A group of seven people posing in front of a balloon-decorated backdrop at an indoor event.
  • Two people smiling, holding an award certificate in front of a promotional backdrop at an event.

For Vermon, no one should be excluded from reaching their goals based on their background. He’s optimistic that an equal-opportunity society is possible: “I believe we can live in a world where anyone can achieve their potential, regardless of their socioeconomic status or where they were born, raised or live,” he says.

With an impressive resume and inspiring attitude, it’s no surprise that Vermon was selected to receive the Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship. The scheme aims to award scholarships to 24 students from Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa over four years, removing financial barriers for high-potential students. It is just one of the scholarships available through IE Foundation’s Talent Without Borders initiative.

Looking back on his time in the program so far, Vermon says it’s been “a fulfilling experience.” He highlights how the curriculum is specifically tailored to give students the skills they need to succeed in the international development field. Besides hearing from leading experts, he’s benefitting from the knowledge other students in his cohort bring. “It is a well-rounded academic environment, providing an opportunity to learn from the professors and your peers, which is very valuable.”

Vermon’s advice for anyone thinking about pursuing the Master in International Development is simple: “Just do it. Start the application process right away. You will never regret your decision.” As for what’s next in this ambitious student’s journey, we’ll be watching closely with no doubt he’ll be making a big impact!