Sixth edition of the European Family Business Congress
Cristina Cruz Director of Center for Families in Business from the IE Foundation and Professor, Entrepreneurship & Family Business at IE Business School, participated as a speaker in the sixth edition of the European Family Business Congress organized by European Family Businesses, the EU federation of national associations which represents long-term family owned enterprise.
This edition has brought together about 240 entrepreneurs from Europe who have been able to enjoy an elaborate program with first-level speakers first-level experts from distincted companies and institutions. The event also counted with the presence of Mr. Pedro Sanchez President the Government of Spain and Mr. Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister of France as keynote speakers.
This event served not only to highlight the importance of family businesses but also to address and discuss the main challenges affecting business families in a changing and disruptive European environment with a strong focus on sustainability issues. In line with that, Prof . Cruz gave a presentation called after Socio-Emotional Wealth as a Competitive Advantage for Families in Business” in which she highlighted three key points: 1) creating a good corporate governance, 2) developing a strong consistency for the business family and 3) pushing untrepreneurship in the next generation.