The Next 50: Law School

Envisioning a future of Law

Shaping the future of global legal practice

Lawyers are the architects of society, and Soledad Atienza, Dean at IE Law School, envisions a future of legal practice without boundaries as part of The Next Fifty initiative. Explore how IE envisions the future of legal systems, where jurisdictions become more aligned, enabling legal professionals to thrive across borders. Delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by a digital society and the role of legal practitioners in ensuring citizen protection and access to justice. Imagine a world where legal systems harmonize, and legal professionals excel internationally. Join this discussion to gain insights into the future of law and its impact on society.


The Next 50 final exhibition

In the next 50 years, the mission of IE Law School is to influence the evolution of law with the goal of achieveing a more just, resilient, and sustainable society. Through innovative programs, we will prepare our students to be the leaders of tomorrow, whether in public service or private practice. Our faculty's cutting-edge research will advance knowledge and foster innovative solutions to meet the legal needs of an ever-changing world.

As a tool at the service of society, law is instrumental in adressing the most pressing challenges of each generation. Our faculty present their vision of the main challenges that law and lawyers will confront in the coming decades: from ensuring that the AI revolution lives up to the highest ethical and human rights standards, to protecting democracy in the digital age; from preserving our planet in the face of climate change, to ensuring the peaceful and sustainable exploration of outer space; from guaranteeing that scientific and technological breakthroughs are harnessed for the greater good of humanity, to advancing equality within society and across the globe.

Each of the videos displayed below is intented to be a conversation starter. Do you agree that these are the most pressing challenges our societies will face over the next 50 years? How should the law navigate the complex political, economic, social, and environmental concerns that they raise? How can the law balance the competing values and interests at stake?

IE Law School The Next 50 - TAKE-AWAY BY THE DEAN Soledad Atienza


Immerse yourself in the vibrant snapshots of the school space! Click through to relive the highlights and experience the essence of the future of law.

The Next 50: The exhibition