Fab lab - Undergraduate

Fab Labs

Fab Labs

The Fab Labs is our fabrication laboratory, a unique learning environment where students can transform their ideas into reality through experimentation, innovation and quality design. This space allows students to build and test their projects using the latest digital fabrication technology, alongside more traditional woodworking tools, ceramics and casting. It's not enough to simply have a good idea, architects and designers have to think about how those things will be created—and there is no better way to do that than by testing and building prototypes.

  • location icon white


    • Madrid
    • Segovia
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    Opening times

    • Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 20:30
    • Friday: 8:30 - 17:30
   2:12 / 2:37  The Fab Lab at IE University

Fab Lab pillars

  • 01.

    Learn by doing

    If you have an idea, bring it to life! Turn your creative proposals into real prototypes. Learn from the techniques and possible processes of manipulation of materials to obtain satisfactory results in your work. The Fab Lab has a team of experts who will teach, guide and support you in the creative process of your proposals, from start to finish.

  • 02.

    Hands-on experience

    Unleash your potential through a practical work process. You will acquire the ability to solve a variety of projects and proposals in the Fab Lab, following an experimental teaching process based on designs, times, tools and materials. Our expert staff will teach and advise you with the theoretical guidelines necessary to do almost anything you come up with.

  • 03.

    Merge between traditional and digital tools

    Learning current working techniques is important but learning the traditional ones as a way to forge and reinforce your creative skills is also important. The Fab Lab has different types of digital and traditional tools that will turn you into the multidisciplinary professional that the industry demands.

    Lab Officers

    Lab Equipment

    Welcome to the Fab Labs, where your ideas get real! Whether you’re building your first prototype, crafting something unique, or just tinkering around for fun, we’ve got all the tools and toys to help you make just about anything.

    • Fab Lab Madrid resources
    • Fab Lab Segovia resources
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
    • The Fab Lab at IE University
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    Hayk Areg Khachikyan

    "Fab lab doesn't just combine design, production and fabrication. It is also a vibrant learning space where knowledge exchange happens accidentally, sparking new interests and ideas, pushing you to explore the world of materials and techniques."

    Hayk Areg Khachikyan

    our student projects

