New research published by the IE Center for the Governance of Change provides an unprecedented level of insight into the knowledge and skills that employers demand and how good a job are higher education institutions doing providing that training. The report "How Universities Can Mind the Skills Gap" reveals that

-Some universities are up to eight times better aligned with labor markets than others, placing some students at a significant disadvantage, which they probably did not realize when they began their studies.

-Underlying these differences, it is less traditional universities and newer universities that best align with their job markets. Institutions created after the 1970s have more than three times as many skills per course as those created at any point before.

-The type of skills that drive differences in skill intensity across universities are general skills, and not skills specific to any field (such as STEM skills or business-specific kills). These general skills include communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Research was conducted by an international team of IE University and IBM experts who used Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning tools to analyse systematic data on 13 million job postings and over 500,000 syllabi from degrees in three European countries.

Click here to download the full report.