Joaquín Rial

Joaquín Rial is an adjunct professor in the area of Information Systems and Technology at IE. Degree in Economics and Business by University of Navarra and cum laude MBA by IE, currently he works as Director General of Mondariz Spa.

Corporate Experience

• 1995 - Present: Adjunct Professor of Information Technologies. IE

• July 2001 - September 2004: Managing Director. IE

• 2000 - 2001: Financial Director. IE

• 2001: Director of Information Technologies Area. IE

• 1989 - 1991: Assistant Professor to World Economy Department. Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)

• 1997 - 2000: General Sales Director. Alsa-Enatcar, Madrid (Spain)

• 1995 - 1997: Marketing Representative. Caterpillar Financial, Madrid (Spain)

• 1995 - 1997: Financial Director Assistan. Caterpillar Financial, Madrid (Spain)

Academic Background

• MBA, cum laude. IE, Madrid (Spain)

• Degree in Economic & Business Sciences. Universidad de Navarra (Spain)

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