Sampson Kwabena Senahey

Sampson Kwabena Senahey

About me

Sampson Kwabena Senahey is a PhD student in Ac counting at IE Business school. My research is centred around financial accounting focusing specifically on microfinance institutions cost efficiency. I am also interested in the transformation of Not-for-profit Microfinance Institutions from donor dependent ones to commercial entities that operate with debt or equity capital. Prior academic experience includes an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Ghana and later a master in Economics from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in Germany. Prior professional experience includes working as a teaching and research assistants both in Ghana. Aside academics Sampson likes to watch football during his free time.

shapeSampson Kwabena Senahey
case2Ph.D candidate in Accounting
Sampson Kwabena Senahey

"If you want a rigorous and rewarding doctoral experience IE University is the best place."

Sampson Kwabena Senahey