IE, Neolabels and FCP create the first integrative forum on Digital Transformation

The main event will take place on June 23-24 of 2016, bringing together experts and business leaders from Spain and around the world to examine experiences, trends, and the need to adapt participation, management and competitiveness processes to the new digital environment demanded by society and the economy.

IE Business School, NEOLABELS and FCP are organizing the first integrative Forum on Digital Transformation in Europe (, set to take place on June 23 and 24 of 2016. The initiative was launched by IE Business School ( and digital communication firm Neolabels (, and organized by FCP (First Communication Platforms - The main objective of the initiative is to examine and seek solutions for questions currently being raised about society, the economy and business regarding the adaptation of methodologies, formats and management systems to foster competitiveness through new technologies, and the impact of the new digital transformation revolution. The overall aim is to enable the exchange of information, knowledge, ideas and networking among international experts, businesses and institutions.

The Digital Transformation Forum is a unique and integrative event that will foster synergies between the ideas and opinions of experts and business leaders. The event will be held at the new headquarters of Madrid Exposiciones y Eventos Urbanos (MEEU - on June 23 and 24 of 2016 in Madrid. The program will be divided into three blocks: 1) Talent and Knowledge - Workshops led by opinion leaders and top-tier experts from around the world. 2) Bringing Together Experts, Businesses and Institutions - A platform for sharing experiences and knowledge to obtain findings and generate solutions for processes through sector-specific meetings, presentations and workshops, and 3) Networking Spaces -Parallel activities that will promote the creation of social relations and networking for experts, institutions and business organizations.

The format of the workshops is designed to cover all aspects of digital transformation in different sectors, including banking, insurance, retail, education, tourism, public administrations, consulting, healthcare, construction and infrastructures, head hunting, law, industry, digital leisure, and civil society.

The Digital Transformation Forum has its own advisory board, comprised of a large group of experts who will serve as the intellectual reference for the project. At the board’s first meeting, held at the IE Business School campus, members present included representatives from Telefónica, Santander, Correos and Mutua. They brought to the table their opinions and vision of the best way to take the Forum forward with a view to creating awareness among the public, entrepreneurs and governments of the need to adapt to new technological realities in order to maximize the positive impact this will have on the economy, development, and levels of competitiveness in any given country.

Juan José Güemes, Vice President of IE Business School and a member of the FTD advisory board, feels that this is the precise moment to promote new opportunities. “Digital transformation is one of the basic engines that will make the difference between organizations going under or holding their own in environments marked by competition.”

Hugo Albornoz, CEO of Neolabels, remarked on the need to promote this type of forum. “Initiatives like this drive awareness of digital transformation practices that favor modernization, competitiveness and growth among companies and institutions.”

Pablo Santos, CEO of FCP, sees the initiative as “a unique platform for ensuring the top level of the business community is informed regarding digital transformation, and for sharing key initiatives and experiences in the sector by bringing together all the talent and potential that the current economy and society needs.”