Elena Revilla

Elena Revilla specializes in organizational behavior in an operational and supply chain management context, where she combines research, teaching and consultancy. Professor of operations and technology management and tenured professor –on leave of absence- at Universidad de Valladolid, she has participated in numerous national and international research projects. Dr. Revilla contributed to such topics as supply chain resilience, Human-AI collaboration, social capital in Buyer-supplier relationships in diverse industries such as retail, computer manufacturing, distribution, manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, telecommunications. Her research has been published in numerous research articles in scientific journals like Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management, Journal of Supply chain Management, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Research Policy, Human Resources Management, Decision Sciences, Journal of the Operation Research Society, Management Learning, etc. In 2000 and 2011, the Academy of Management recognised her work as the best paper. She is a regular participant in the EUROMA (European Operation management Association), POMS, (production Operation Management sociality), DS (Decision Science) and Academy of Management conference.

She holds a Doctorate in Economic Sciences and Business Administration from Universidad de Valladolid, and an MA in Science and Technology Management, from Universidad Carlos III. Professor Revilla graduated in economics and business administration at Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.


• Professor of Operations, IE University, 1999 – Present

• Head of the Operations & Technology Department, IE University, 2021 – Present

• Director, DBA, IE University, 2006 – 2021

• Professor, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, 1992 – 2011


• PhD in Economics & Business Administration, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), 1995

• MA in Science and Technology Management, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid (Spain), 1992

• Degree in Economics & Business Administration, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), 1989

• Post-Doctoral Fellow, North Carolina University, Chapel-Hill (USA), 1996 – 1997

• Visiting Researcher, MIT, USA (2010 – 2011) (2019) (2022)

• Visiting Researcher, North Carolina University, Chapel-Hill, USA, 1996 – 1997

• CPCL-Harvard Business School, 2003

• Research Excelence Award, IE University, 2008

• Member of Numerous national and international research projects and author of work published in scientific journals and collective books

• Author of the book Factores Determinantes del Aprendizaje Organizativo. Un Modelo de Desarrollo de Products (Club Gestión de Calidad)


8- Decent Work and Economic Growth

9- Industry, Innovation and Infraestructure

12- Responsible Consumption and Production