Natalia Gironella García

In 2007 an important research by the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) was carried out on alumni from Master Programmes and Human Resources personnel from the main companies in the USA. The research was aimed at investigating the level of priority given to the different knowledge and skills desired in management. The communication and presentation skills appeared on the first and second position respectively. Both of them in front of abilities such as leadership or strategic vision and way ahead of financial or technical knowledge, which appeared on the thirteenth and fourteenth positions.

Many psychologists and philosophers have tried to explain and construct the communication process of the human being throughout history. It is surprising how, on a day to day basis, we are constantly making reference to guidelines of communication in relation to other people or even ourselves: “he is a mean person, he looks down on me; what a wonderful woman, she is always with a smile in her face; he greeted me with no energy, he did a great presentation...” “The impressions and impacts we feel are recorded in our brains and are usually an important reference for us and for others... and very difficult to modify”.

Natalia wants to focus her classes on the learning competences needed to control all the elements that fall into the communication skills and convey these to generate the impact on others and to fend for oneself in any intercultural communicational sphere.

Corporate Experience

• Account executive and Account director in communication companies Feedback and Power Axle, respectively

• Media agency director at Keep Press

• External consultant of specialized training in communication in Coopers and Lybrand

• Spanish communication director of the Puerto Rican Tourism Company

• Currently:

- Associate director of

- Communication consultant

Academic Experience

• Natalia has trained working groups for over 14 years at companies such as: Meta 4, ABC, Grupo Recoletos, Airtel, Via Digital, Pepsico, Ministerio de Fomento, Gobierno Vasco, Henkel Ibérica, Abbot Laboratorios, Pfizer Laboratorios, Kraft Jacob Suchard, Deloitte & Touch PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Wunderman, Young & Rubicam, Burson Marsteller, Cámara de Guipúzcoa, Rural Servicios Informáticos, Caja de Burgos, Seguros DKV, Seguros Lagunaro, Seguros Bilbao, American Life Insurance Company (ALICO), EULEN...

• She has also performed training projects to individual companies: Consejería de Educación del Gobierno Vasco, Ministerio de Economía de Puerto Rico y Gabinete, Ministerio de Turismo de Puerto Rico, Vicepresidencia económica de IBADESA, Dirección Ejecutiva del Convention Bureau de Puerto Rico, Dirección de desarrollo de Negocio de NOKIA, Dirección General de Inversis Banco, Dirección General de AF Steelcase, Dirección Comercial de la Galería Marlborough, Dirección Europa de EPRI España, equipo directivo de Novell Spain, Equipo de informativos de Televisión de Castilla y León, Dirección General de Laboratorios Lundbeck...

Academic Background

• Currently pursuing a PhD at the U. Complutense

Research areas

• “Non verbal codes in business organizations by sectors and type”

Last name
Gironella García