Pablo Sampedro Ruíz

Pablo Sampedro Ruiz is a computational physical chemist interested in the fundamental study of matter assembly using the huge potential of computers. Since the start of his career as a chemist he’s been interested by both quantum mechanics and statistical thermodynamics, which made in decide to study the European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling and then complete his training as a researcher by obtaining his doctorate in Physical Chemistry by the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore.

As a researcher he’s currently interested in the application of Artificial Intelligence for the study of complex potential energy surface, topic which he lightly developed during the last part of his thesis. He’s a firm believer in the wide potential of Artificial Intelligence, which will lead to an explosion of new useful tools for fundamental science in the incoming years, leaving many stablished ones obsolete. He’s eager to participate with a small contribution in this exciting new field.

Finally, his other passion is teaching and communicating of his enthusiasm about these topics to students. In this aspect he has in the recent years gained experience in Computer Science teaching and found it to be an exciting field full of brilliancy and mathematical beauty.


• Adjunct Professor at IE University, 2022

• Computer Science Teacher at Montessori School of Alpedrete, 2021

• Practice Teacher at Colegio Europeo de Madrid, 2021

• Participation as a Teaching Assistant in various roles at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore

• Participation in several international conferences in Europe and Asia, 2012 – 2022


• Master in Secondary Teaching for the Spanish system, 2022

• PhD in Physical Chemistry by the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, 2021

• Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2015

• Bachelor in Chemistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012

Pablo Sampedro Ruíz
Last Name
Sampedro Ruíz