Petteri Leppänen

Petteri Leppänen is Assistant Professor of Strategy at IE University. His research focuses on organizations at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Specifically, he seeks to understand how firms design novel business models in rapidly evolving environments characterized by new technologies. This includes studies on how organizations plan and run experiments, how they learn and adapt, and how they create and capture value through innovative business models. Professor Leppänen employs a variety of analytical methods and uses empirical settings ranging from online businesses to basketball teams and spaceflight. His research has been published in leading journals such as the Academy of Management Journal and Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.

Professor Leppänen teaches competitive strategy and business model innovation at IE and has previously taught courses on corporate innovation and entrepreneurship. Prior to his current position, he was a Research Associate at Imperial College London, UK. He received his PhD in Strategic Entrepreneurship from the Technical University of Munich and was a visiting scholar at New York University and Singapore Management University. Before academia he worked in management consulting and studied economics and business administration in Finland and Germany.


•  Assistant Professor of Strategy, IE University, Spain, 2022 – Present

•  Research Associate, Imperial College London, UK, 2020 – 2022

•  Research and Teaching Assistant, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 2014 – 2019


•  Ph.D. in Business Administration, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 2020

•  Visiting PhD Scholar, New York University, USA, 2019

•  Visiting PhD Scholar, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2017

•  M.Sc. in Business Administration, Turku School of Economics, Finland, 2012

•  B.Sc. in Business Administration, Turku School of Economics, Finland, 2011


•  Associate Consultant, Fontin & Company, Germany/Switzerland, 2011 – 2014


7- Affordable and Clean Energy

9- Industry, Innovation and Infraestructure

11- Sustainable Cities and Communities