Livia Ceribelli - Student Story | IE University

Livia Ceribelli

About me

During the third year of my Bachelor in Economics, I decided that I was ready to step outside my comfort zone. I wanted opportunities that would allow me to discover new places and different ways of life. My solution was to take part in IE University’s Exchange Program in hopes of developing a global perspective of economics by studying abroad. This choice led me to Canada, where I’m spending a semester nurturing my passion for strategy and public-sector economics while enjoying the Canadian university experience. I look forward to going back to Madrid for my final year.

shapeLivia Ceribelli
case2Undergraduate Student
studentBachelor in Economics
Livia Ceribelli - Student Story | IE University

"I chose to participate in the Exchange Program because I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and learn about a new country and culture."

Livia Ceribelli

New perspectives outside the comfort zone

Livia Ceribelli grew up against the rich cultural backdrop that’s inherent in the Latium region of Italy—the historic seat of the ancient Roman empire. She had a typical childhood, growing up in Rome and spending her formative academic years at the Rome International School. 

Having always been interested in strategy and the forces that shape economic policy in the public sector, Livia’s drive to do good has influenced many decisions in her life, from the volunteer organizations she works with to her choice of undergraduate program when it was time to pursue higher education. In the end, Livia opted to make the journey to Spain and IE University, where she’s currently pursuing her Bachelor in Economics.

For her, the program has been an enriching season of building her foundational skill set in economics and developing an understanding of how it affects the daily lives of people around the world. Studying in the heart of Madrid has also given her the chance to brush up on her Spanish language skills, adding to her linguistic repertoire—Livia is already proficient in both English and Italian and is also working on improving her French. 

In her third year of the program, she was ready to tackle a bigger challenge: to study even further abroad. The Bachelor in Economics offers students a chance to take part in IE Univerisity’s Exchange Program, where students get to spend the second semester of their third year in one of 200 other top international academic institutions in over 50 countries worldwide. As Livia notes, “IE University gives us a great selection of universities all around the world.”

Livia Ceribelli - Student Story | IE UniversityShe chose to participate in the program because she was sure it was the perfect opportunity to step out of her comfort zone and learn more about a new country and culture. And so Livia applied to study abroad very early on—at least a year in advance. With the help of faculty and staff within the Bachelor in Economics, as well as the International Mobility Office, her determination paid off; she started the process of moving to Canada to enjoy the country’s unique university experience. 

Livia believes that the Exchange Program has played a critical role in shaping her professional future. By allowing her to select relevant elective courses aligned with her field of interest, the initiative has let her not only personalize her academic program in a prestigious international institution, but also gain invaluable learning and life experiences. 

And while she is enjoying all the benefits she’s gained, Livia misses her home in Madrid. “What I miss most about IE University is the community,” she explains. Sure, she has met a lot of new people during her time abroad, but she’s looking forward to reconnecting with the friends she made in Spain. “I believe that Madrid is a wonderful city to live in as a student and I look forward to going back for my final year,” says Livia.

Her recommendation to her peers in the IE Community? “I would advise every student who has the chance to join the Exchange Program to do so,” she asserts. Livia is sure that this unique experience will help students find success beyond their comfort zone.