Article headed “Entrepreneurs” published today in “El Adelantado de Segovia” by Eiso Kant (Managing Director & Co-founder at Tyba )


For some, becoming an entrepreneur is a career choice; others simply stumble into it, while there are also those who’ve never really known anything else. Personally, I fall into the last camp, with my familiar story of programming since the age of 12. In 2009, we were three friends who’d moved from around Europe to study at IE University in Segovia – myself from the Netherlands. Several years into our studies, we started our company, Tyba. We connect talent with interesting job opportunities at exciting companies. Almost four years later, we are based in Madrid with a team of 30 people representing over 12 nationalities. We’re also active in 14 countries, working with over 800 technology startups.

Most of us carry a “second brain” around with us – one that we constantly ask questions, orders our food, books our flights and gives us directions. Technology hasn’t just made life easier, it’s now an integral part of who we are. All of this has only been accessible to us for a few decades: the first iPhone was only released eight years ago next month, yet it has revolutionized the way we live. There have been several technological milestones in human history that fundamentally changed society – the Industrial Revolution being the most recent until the rise of the computer & Internet. Being an entrepreneur in tech lets you play a little part in shaping society. At Tyba we believe that we can use technology to help you find a job that you love.

And how does one become an entrepreneur today? Think back to the 15th century when Christopher Columbus came to Segovia to ask Queen Isabella to fund his quest to find India. If, today, you possess a desire to discover the unknown – to confront seemingly insurmountable challenges and to discover what others haven’t – what can you do? With the exception of the ocean and deep Amazon, we’ve covered almost every inch of this planet. So instead of jumping on a ship to sail the world, we can become adventurers by seeking out new markets and new solutions that can impact society, or use technology to radically improve the way we do things. Entrepreneurs today are the Christopher Columbuses of yesteryear.

Read the article in spanish version