Parents & Families
Reinventing death: Fin | IE School of Architecture and Design

Reinventing death: Fin

Final Project for the Bachelor in Design, Class of 2022.

Death is our only certainty in life, yet we don’t plan for it. With more than 163,000 deaths per day, 114 deaths per minute; the death industry has remained frozen in time for centuries. This is where an opportunity for a new service could be introduced. Fin is a global platform that reinvents the death industry by enabling everyone to curate their end-of-life experience and choose how to be remembered.

Our product roadmap went from validating the concept through research and extended to designing a well-rounded brand identity. While researching, it was uncovered that 1) death is still a taboo topic for many, 2) death is not a one size fits all process. With the emergence of death-related trends; such as the death positive movement and death cafés, it became apparent that there was a gap in the industry and an opportunity to reinvent it. Through the branding of the digital platform, Fin establishes a visual tension between the seriousness of death and the enjoyment of life.

Changing the perception of death and dying is the core of our revolution in this stagnant industry. We are accomplishing this through a dynamic ecosystem where users curate their post-death legacy. The platform will take its users on a life-long journey to cultivate a customized and independent memorial for people to visit post-death. In the end it is all about embracing our mortality and choosing how we want to be remembered.

Crossing the Stream | IE School of Architecture and Design