Self-Portrait Exhibition | IE University

Self-Portrait Exhibition

The Visual and Digital Media Culture class is a critical exploration of communication in visual culture and digital media. Given that we are exposed to this type of media on a daily basis, students are taught to analyze this messaging. They do this by applying critical theories to practical projects.

The objective of the self-portrait exhibition project was to explore how meanings are conveyed through images, and how emotions are then drawn from these images. With cultural-critical approaches to communication in mind, students analyzed advertisements, visual productions and social and gender norms and combined their learnings to create their projects.


Students were tasked with producing a self-portrait using any medium of their choice. The aim was to convey their identity in relation to their media consumption, and write an artistic statement that explains the meaning and purpose behind each project. Each student’s visual artwork was designed to accompany a long essay that was written previously, and that digs deeper into the theme. After all projects were completed, the professor created an online exhibition that displayed everyone’s projects, and other students were invited to browse through and leave feedback on at least three pieces of artwork. This project helped students to collaborate through a creative, interactive and memorable experience.

  • Self-Portrait Exhibition | IE University
  • Self-Portrait Exhibition | IE University
  • Self-Portrait Exhibition | IE University
  • Self-Portrait Exhibition | IE University