Sara de Giles

MGM. Morales de Giles Architects

“The Shared Space”

IE University.

Campus de Santa Cruz de la Real

13:00/14:30 h.

(Sala Capitular)  


Sara de Giles will explain how the destiny of any project, its objective, is to formulate a promise about dwelling. Nobody formulates this desire unless it is in exchange for modifying spaces and places, to the point that one could say that the project and the work of architecture are those which, to a large extent, invent locations, the also herald the histories that are to follow, among which are included the histories of the cities, their geographies and their people. as the work of MGM Morales de Giles reveals, works and projects accompany events, they form part or them, and cannot be separated the one from the other, they are more than a background landscape. The lecture will also discuss how histories, lives, spaces and events formulate the idea of dwelling; and how as a result, the architectural project attempts to adapt unforeseen events, to negotiate intrinsic errors and to form an alliance with endemic disorders.

Sara de Giles (Seville, 1972) is principal of MGM Morales de Giles Architects and Adjunct Professor of Design Projects of the ETSA Seville. In 1998, she joined as a new partner the architectural firm that José Morales had founded in 1987. The introduction of enclosures and membranes as intermediary elements as well as the exploration of different means for dilating and occupying the space between the building and the skin is a key feature or their architectural practice, which affords an additional value to housing and public buildinds, while engaging with the tradition of Andalusian architecture. Beyond building, they are visiting professors and lectures at various universities and institutions in Spain and abroad. Their work has been internationally exhibited and has been recognizes with a number of different awards, including the 2013 Spanish Architecture Prize.