Seven second-year students from IE University’s Bachelor of Laws program have had the opportunity to become lawyers for a week at Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira. The experience was made possible thanks to the Young Talent program, a pioneering initiative that consists of immersing students in corporate lawyering by placing them in direct contact with the day-to-day of a law firm.

The students, all of whom have excellent academic potential, were accompanied at all times by lawyers from different areas of legal expertise. These tutors explained the way things worked and the demands of lawyering at a top-tier firm.

The immersion program also includes special sessions to instruct the students on how to map a career path in law, the differences between the different areas of practice (mercantile, fiscal, litigation and labor) and the international dimension of the profession. The intense week was rounded off with practical seminars designed to help students optimize their law studies at IE University and develop the skill set they need to become an excellent lawyer.

According to Federico Roig, a partner at Cuatrecasas, Mercantile law expert, and IE Law School professor, the program is a unique opportunity to show students what life as a lawyer in a multinational law firm is like. “Here they can find out what kind of profile they need if they want to work with us in the future. They have spent a week in a front-row seat onto the work environment in a law firm, and the challenges and demands of the day-to-day of a corporate lawyer.”