Tivity | IE School of Architecture and Design


Final Project for the Bachelor in Design, Class of 2022.

Creativity is becoming an increasingly in demand skill to have in both our personal and professional lives. Tivity is a tile-based game that stimulates the mind of its players through the gamification of creative methodologies and concepts. It uses communication, competitiveness and iteration to guide people to developing their creative thinking.

These key elements have been achieved through extensive research in order to understand the creative industry and the already existing design methods and processes. The prototyping of the game came right after as a way of discovering how all the elements designed/created work together as a tangible product. The result of the prototyping and building phase was a tile-based game composed of three phases, 90 tiles and 45 tokens in total. Each iteration was playtested with people exposed to creative fields, and those outside as a way to accomplish a well-rounded game. In the end, the aim of Tivity is to unlock the creative potential in people, and reinforce the notion that creativity isn’t born, but taught and cultivated through practice.

Tivity is capable of hosting game sessions, producing unique solutions and becoming a part of daily life for its players, allowing creativity to become a tool accessible to everyone.

Tivity | IE School of Architecture and Design