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Bachelor in Architectural Studies | IE University

Bachelor in Architectural Studies

duration5 years
Mode of studyFull-time
duration5 years
Mode of studyFull-time


Collaboration and innovation are essential in architecture.

That’s why we created Design Studio, the heart of architectural education at IE University.

This hub of creativity is where real-world problems are identified and solutions are found.

It’s a physical space where students exchange ideas and explore the practical side of their in-class learning.

It’s where they learn to work in teams, developing their creative and technical capabilities to bring together all elements of their architectural learning and skill.

It’s where they put their ideas to the test and push the limits of their imagination

Bachelor in Architectural Studies | IE University
Bachelor in Architectural Studies | IE University
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Student Projects


The Fabrication Laboratory or “Fab Lab” is an important part of our “culture of making.” It is a space for students to experiment with digital and traditional shop tools to fuel practical constructional understanding. The Fab Lab is divided into two: the digital part with a CNC router, laser cutters and 3D printers, and the other with traditional, hands-on carpentry tools.

This gives you the chance to put your work together in a computerized format, allowing you to make any necessary alterations to your design while also providing you with a platform to incorporate this function into other creations.

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What is expected from an architecture student?

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Architecture students are expected to demonstrate a combination of creativity, critical thinking, technical skills, and dedication. They should have a passion for design, an ability to think spatially, and a strong work ethic. Architecture students are expected to actively participate in design studios, collaborate with peers, conduct research, develop presentation skills, and effectively use architectural software and tools. Additionally, they should be willing to learn continuously, take constructive criticism, and stay updated with industry trends and advancements.

What makes a good architecture project?

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A good architecture project exhibits innovative design, contextual sensitivity, sustainability, technical proficiency, user-centric approach, resource efficiency, compliance, and collaboration.

Are real projects carried out in the bachelor of architectural studies?

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Yes, real projects are often carried out in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program. Students have the opportunity to work on design projects that simulate real-world scenarios and challenges. These projects may involve site analysis, conceptual design development, technical detailing, and presentation of design proposals. The aim is to provide students with practical experience and prepare them for the professional aspects of architecture.

What is an architectural studies project?

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An architectural studies project refers to a design or research undertaking undertaken by students in an architectural studies program. It typically involves exploring architectural concepts, developing design proposals, conducting research on architectural history or theory, or addressing specific architectural challenges. These projects allow students to apply their knowledge, develop their design skills, and gain hands-on experience in various aspects of architecture.

What do architecture students do?

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Architecture students attend classes, conduct research, develop design concepts, create architectural drawings, collaborate with peers, receive feedback, learn about building systems, use architectural software, visit sites, present proposals, and gain practical experience through internships.